How to Read Someone’s Mind – Easy Guide | Enlighten Tricks

If you feel that nobody cares about what you’re feeling or going through? Let me clear you; You are not alone. The reason people lack empathy today is that they want to. We want to ignore our feelings to get our work done and put on a strong face for the world, but what if you didn’t? The longer we ignore those pesky little emotions, the quicker they go away! What’s more important – your new email from the boss or how you feel about it? It turned outs when psychologists studied emotional intelligence (EI), which includes “the ability of individuals with high EI scores,” many found that these folks were better at reading other peoples’ thoughts than others who lacked this skill set. In this article, you will learn how to read someone’s mind and focus on skillset.

Reading Minds is Like a Poker Game


Anyone can learn to read minds as we do it already. We may often wrong; it’s not because the process of mind reading fails. We can mirror people’s thoughts and feelings, but with a good poker face, is it easy to read minds without these visual clues?

Have you ever notice that someone was thinking something other than what they were actually saying?
One way to read minds is by looking at social cues, such as facial expressions and body language. But those clues can be misleading; sometimes, we assume the person will do an action when, in reality, they are telling us otherwise or vice versa.
Another method of reading minds relies on personal experience with a specific individual. When you know your friend well enough, it should not be too hard for you to figure out their thoughts just from hearing them talk about themselves!
We take in information from someone else – their tone, body language, and facial expressions – then form an educated guess about what they might be feeling or thinking based on that information alone (aside from anything they explicitly tell us). But sometimes people have a good poker face, those who don’t show any emotion at all–not even smiling when you say something funny! In this case, how does one know if others find your jokes hilarious? It’s just as crucial for them to express themselves, so you’ll get more than gut feelings out of these interactions—you.

Skills Required for Reading Minds Naturally

Sometimes people think they have to be a fortune tellers or wear something strange to read minds. But all you need is the drive and willingness, an ability that will come naturally with time if practiced enough.
The truth is that it doesn’t take many skills to read minds. All you need are the drive and willingness to lean on your intuition when it tells you what someone is probably thinking or feeling at the moment. You might have some practice before your abilities come naturally, but there is no need for a crystal ball, special deck of cards, or strange outfit to get into other people’s heads!
You must be able to clear one’s mind of any distractions for themselves make sense out of people else’s heads; this skill takes time – granted everyone has their own pace with which they can develop themselves as an intuitive person.
Maybe consider taking yoga classes instead? it will help you focus your mind and energy levels for better concentration as well as give quality flexibility; in addition, to exercise too!”

Start to Read Minds with Kiran Behara

If you want to read minds, ever wonder how a psychic works? Just follow these simple tips. World-renowned psychic Kiran Behara has developed them for some of the wealthiest and most famous faces in the entertainment show business. You’ll notice quick results with your family or friends, but it will take time and practice before you can do this on total strangers. Here are some basic steps-

Practice Yoga to Open up Your Spirit Energy


Yoga is a great way to learn how to focus and clear your thoughts; with the help of some time, you can do it at home.
Many people believe that meditation is a way for them to clear their thoughts and stresses. In addition, they open up their energy to be present at the moment with everyone around you. One great way for this practice is yoga, but there are many other ways, such as meditating at home when no one’s around or sitting outside while listening closely to nature.

Focus on Seeing and Not Seeing

This is the best way to improve your social life. Imagine someone you know, and make a mental snapshot of their facial structure, hair length or color, eyesight/color, etc., posture (and other things that stand out about them). But also visualize everything around them- the chair they are sitting on or the wall behind them -all these must be seen in specific ways to feel all energies being produced in the room.


Then quickly focus back again- all while keeping an eye out for anything else suspicious going on around them! That way, you can get into someone’s head by seeing how much energy surrounds people with little effort required.
Paying attention to people in your environment can be very enlightening and rewarding for both parties involved!

Draw your Attention to the Person Behavior

Now draw back your attention to the person’s face. Observe them directly in the eyes for about 15 seconds, their expression shifting all over as they try and figure out precisely what is happening with this strange new feeling of intrusion on their personal space. If you don’t want to interrupt the energy by making the person feel uncomfortable, don’t stare too long. So after 15 seconds pass, make a mental picture of the person’s face and their eyes and get an idea of what kind of energy they might have – is it light or dark?


This isn’t like other reading processes where one would be strictly interpreting another’s body language through facial expressions; instead, it feels more akin to being psychically connected telepathically–almost merging into each other entirely before pulling away again when time has elapsed enough since joining with someone else at such an intimate level! so we can really start getting into this mind-reading thing.

This is really important because now all of these thoughts are filling up your soul! The next part on how to do readings: Sit back in silence as their face flashes through your head; let the feelings come crashing down around you as if they were waves washing over sand-dunes surrounding a tropical island. This technique should help make scanning for information.

Great Conversation Makes the Thing Easy


“Are you ready to find out what is in the mind of that person? You can choose any topic. Ask about their work or home life, thoughts will come rushing into your head, and it may be the same things they are thinking.”
If you have a good memory, remember those moments when they say something especially interesting for later use in summarizing your entire impression of them. There’s an adage that says, “you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.” It turns out this phrase is applicable in more ways than one when we consider the mind-reading capabilities of humans.
It would help if you welcomed any thoughts that come to your mind at this point. Those thoughts may be dark and troublesome; you want to give the person an accurate reading of their thoughts to know they can trust you with anything. To do so, be sure not to judge but rather stay open-minded about all possibilities because it might make a difference in how things turn out. The ability may seem power-hungry or self-serving when used by others who harbor intentions other than what’s best for loved ones; however, using this skill wisely will grant one empathy from family members, leading to healing relationships.
With just one touch, you can feel what is going on inside a person’s mind. You have the power to know anything and everything about them! But you should know with great power comes even greater responsibility. If someone doesn’t want their thoughts read by anyone else, it may not be appropriate for you as a reader to do so without consent from the individual first.

Bonus Tips to Improve Focus on Reading Mind

More tips for you to utilize to augment these tips. Once you increase your ability to focus on the thoughts and feelings of others, it will be easier for you to glean insights about what goes in their minds.
These techniques will make a huge difference when engaging with friends, family members, or strangers that cross your path every day- which is why they’re worth trying!

Control Other’s Emotions

You know when you’re talking to someone, and they say something that is just so true? Sometimes it feels like the person has a mini-telepathic connection because everything they said seemed right. Well, research shows this can be done without telepathy by paying attention to their voice tone! If you sense an emotion coming from them, such as anger or stress but don’t agree with what he/she says, then ask if there might be other emotions also present. Then try giving suggestions on how one could change these feelings – either by intensifying or reducing them, leading to a happier state of mind for both parties involved in the conversation.

Uncover Your Listening Skills


Listening is an art; it is as vital and influential as the act of speaking, if not more so. When someone talks to you, your full attention must be on them; don’t tune out or practice selective hearing because they’re talking about something that doesn’t interest you (unless this person knows what’s going on). You need to pay close attention, especially when they speak words like “but” or “however.” It can make things very different for both parties during a conversation if one party does not listen carefully enough – even small details may lead down an entirely new path worth exploring! Practice being attentive by looking at people while they are talking.

Set Your Minds to Catch Emotions

If you feel that nobody cares about what you’re feeling or going through? Let me clear you; You are not alone. The reason people lack empathy today is that they want to. We want to ignore our feelings to get our work done and put on a strong face for the world, but what if you didn’t? The longer we ignore those pesky little emotions, the quicker they go away! What’s more important – your new email from the boss or how you feel about it? It turned outs when psychologists studied emotional intelligence (EI), which includes “the ability of individuals with high EI scores,” many found that these folks were better at reading other peoples’ thoughts than others who lacked this skill set.


Reading minds is something everyone wants to do, and they can easily do it, and it doesn’t just have to be for professionals. It may work hard for you at first, but you’ll find that with practice comes excellent progress. It’s always important to use your abilities in a way so as not to gain an advantage over others – the point of this power should never be used against someone else or their emotions. If you’re really good, maybe these skills will make up one more thing about what makes them special! Mind readers are also often wonderful friends who provide support when people need some space and time away from everything and anything they know best; they listen without judgment which helps tremendously during difficult times. Getting out all those thoughts has helped relieve stress immensely!!